Daily Imprint | November, 2014
Fifteen years ago photographer James Houston decided to start all over again. He had established a successful career in Australia, shooting editorials for Vogue Australia and Black and White magazine but he wanted to work in New York. It took a while to break through but when he did, James did it with style – landing Donna Karan and Clinique as clients. Since then he has carved out a niche in beauty photography and celebrity portraiture. More recently he has launched James Houston Design, showcasing a series of his prints in an online gallery.
Which five words best describe you? Driven, conscious, activist, visionary and creative.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I was modeling in Tokyo and happened to stumble onto photography as a hobby while I was there and I started shooting my friends. When I came back to Australia I decided to work towards an exhibition and publishing a book of my work. This helped get my name out there and from that point I started to work with editorial magazines and advertising clients slowly working my way up to be a leading photographer in Australia.
I then decided to move to New York which was initially challenging. I worked hard to break into the market and build up my client base internationally. While in New York I discovered my passion for beauty, hair and skin and that became my focus allowing me to become one of the worlds leading beauty photographers working for clients such as L’Oreal Paris, Donna Karan, Hugo Boss and Givenchy, and celebrities such as Hugh Jackman, Emma Watson and Jennifer Lopez.
I believe in evolving as an artist and I am now at a point in my career where I am moving into design with photography as the inspiration under the banner of recently launched James Houston Design. We launch our first home product range in the Spring 2015.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learned along the way? Stay connected and committed to the result you want to achieve in your life not attached to the journey and how that will play out.
What’s your proudest career achievement? I have created and worked on many community projects utilizing my photography to raise millions of dollars for various charities and organizations. Sir Elton John called me a hero at the launch of my Move For Aids launch in Australia when he attended and spoke at the event.
What’s been your best decision? To move to the US.
Who inspires you? I’m inspired by people who are living their dream and really enjoying their journey.
What are you passionate about? I’m passionate about expressing myself through my work and capturing and sharing beauty. I’m also passionate about inspiring others to connect with their own potential and dreams.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I would like to meet and shoot Beyonce, Obama and Buddha.
What dream do you still want to fulfill? To successfully build James Houston Design and my design philosophy brand MindSpaceDesign. The vision of these brands is to share beautiful products with an international audience and inspire people to create a home that connects them to what they want their life to look and feel like.
What are you reading? The mastery of love by Don Miguel Ruiz.